Residency Information
Under state law, an individual's residency classification is based on information from his/her ApplyTexas application. Students will be classified as residents of Texas, non-residents, or international students. To qualify as a Texas resident, an individual must live in Texas for one year and establish a domicile in Texas prior to enrollment.
The amount of tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on the ApplyTexas application. You may also be asked to provide documentary evidence that proves your residency status.
Basic Residency Information
- Under Texas state law, students are classified either as residents of Texas, non-residents, or international students. All based on information provided on his/her ApplyTexas application.
- In addition to state residency, students are classified as in district or out of district depending on whether they reside at an address that is in the Bexar County taxing district
The amount of tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on the application. You also may be asked to provide documentary evidence that proves your residency status.
You will find your residency classification located on your Student ACES account, below the Student tab and under View Student Information. Your residency classification is based on rules and regulations established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. If you have questions about residency, please contact the Records & Residency Office.
Residency Classifications (For Tuition Purposes)
Changing Residency
NOTE: If the documents you provided to prove residency cannot be verified, your residency status may not change.
For students who fail to submit documentation and still register for classes, tuition will be charged at the out-of-state rate.
If your request for Texas Residency and the necessary documentation is not received prior to the Census Date of the term of which you are enrolling, as listed in the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar, your residency will be processed for the next available term.